on, get lively Join the St.
Blog's Parish webring! 2005/05/27
Things to savor on a Friday morning while everybody around you is groaning... ...the memory of a mother duck guiding her nine ducklings through a K-Mart parking lot ...the curious looks that pass as you push a shopping cart through the aisle, singing The Who's "Squeeze Box" to your seven-month-old ...eating an ice cream bar before dinner and not feeling guilty about it ...knowing you're eight hours away from a three-day weekend 2005/05/24
And everyone would gather on the 24th of May, Sitting in the sand To watch the fireworks display. Dancing fires on the beach Singing songs together... Though it's just a memory Some memories last forever. - Rush, Lakeside Park Why not gather every day with the people you love? 2005/05/18
Warm Fuzzies "Just by looking at the cover you know this is going to be a fun read. PITHED features a 50 year old biology teacher with a bad hip, a dog named Steely Dan, and a wry sense of humor. For a great who-done-it that will bring a smile to your lips, get PITHED." - Dana Taylor, host of Definitely Dana Internet Radio I taped the show yesterday, it airs June 1 on the website. I'm in the second half of the show. Be sure to listen, it was a lot of fun to do. 2005/05/17
Eep! Pray For Us Sinners comes out in June, not July! Thought I had another month to plan. Good news, though, I'll be able to take this book with Pithed to the local stores at the same time when the Times-Union article comes out. I'm going to be on Definitely Dana Internet Radio, June 1 at 3PM EST, talking about Pithed! I tape the show today. My column in Single For Now will focus on Pray. So much to do. ![]() 2005/05/15
Ring, ring, why don't you give me a call? (It's an old ABBA song. Then again, all of ABBA's songs are old) More sites to be checked. For now, here's: Adventures in Catholicism Anne Elliot Being Qua Being Changobeer Ecce Homo Fellow Worker in the Truth Guard Me With Your Glory Lumen de Lumine (auf Deutsch) Me Autem Minui Mere Complexities A Mom(ent) for Truth :my comedy, mystery, irony, tragedy Pope Benedict XVI Fan Club The Pugil Stick Releasing the Inner Mongrel Revertere Roma Locuta Est Salutaris Hostia The Sanity Ranch Southern Catholic Convert Stuff and Bother The World According to Jeff Childers Ten Thousand Thoughts Third Position Review Thoughts of a Regular Guy Two Cats and a Girl Veritas nunquam perit Thoughts on a rainy evening If you lose a finger, don't you want to try to have reattached? While I don't doubt Karol is in Heaven, I think we should the requisite five years. I have enough non-Catholic friends who question the sainthood process as it is, and I imagine this might lead to a slew of false alarms for the committee to handle. Besides, it's akin to cutting in line, I think, and I think Papa would be willing to wait his turn. Greek festival was this weekend. Stuffed like a kalamata. Did an interview for the Times-Union about Pithed. Here's hoping it gets published. 2005/05/12
...and you read stuff like this and want to pray more for yourself, because it's things like this that might cause you to rethink Catholic teaching on birth control, because some people just shouldn't be having children. What an inexcusable act. 2005/05/07
Longer post later In Jax for the weekend for Mom's retirement party. Will blog on that later since it's worth blogging. In the meantime I'm going to eat everything they don't have in VA. 2005/05/05
Let the fray begin! In anticipation of the Star Wars prequel that appears most likely not to suck, I give you the Photoshop talents of Richard Carter: ![]() Let Mace Windu top this. ![]() Little known New Hope trivia talks of Neil's cameo in the big Death Star scene. Geneva has the action figure, BTW. |
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